Spiritual Accompaniment

Conversation with a companion-in-spirit provides time to consider one’s place in the world in the light of relationship with God.
Suggested donation barter to $35

Ignatian Retreat
in Everyday Life

Retreat in the midst of life. The period between Autumn and Easter provides coherence between natural and liturgical seasons. Retreatants meet one-on-one with a spiritual companion approximately every two to three weeks.
Suggested donation $20 for each session



See current Seasonal Celebrations and Program offerings below.

Free Will Offerings are appreciated for every program in which you participate. We give stipends to presenters other than the Full Circle Staff, Srs. Concepcion Gonzalez and Veronica Blake.


Even as our seasons warm up due to climate change, let us gather to celebrate our memories of seasons past, and our commitment to living them sustainably in this time of change. Sr. Veronica Blake, facilitator.

To register email or call: Two weeks prior to each celebration.


Winter Celebration:  Thursday, Dec. 19 - 6 to 8 p.m.
Please register by Dec. 5.



To register email or call: Two weeks prior to each program.


Nature Journaling - CANCELED

Wednesday, Oct. 9 


Align & Attune in Everyday Life

Wednesday, Nov. 6  -  6-8 p.m.

Learn to align with your Higher Self/Soul to help you move through each day with more insight and support.  Then, attune with God/Spirit /Universal Life Force to bring higher purpose, focus and energy into your daily life.  Aligning and attuning is helpful in fostering relationships on all levels:  Self, Family, Work, Committees, Animal/Plant/Mineral Kingdoms…it’s endless!

Chris Watters is an Esoteric Healing practitioner, a Reiki Master and a retired massage therapist.  She has lived in the Blue Water Area for more than half of her life and enjoys spending time near the water.

Please register by Oct. 16

The Heart is a Poetry Maker

Wednesday, Dec. 4  -  1-3 p.m.

“There is one heart”, said the poetry maker, Joy Harjo, “one body, all poems make one poem, and we do not use words to make war on this land.”  We are all poetry makers.  We are each a stanza in the poetry of life.

We invite you to participate in this workshop by bringing open-mindedness and creativity.

Denni Lesinski and Rene Rousseau-Wilson, lovers of verse since childhood before memories were formed, return to Full Circle bringing their diverse interests and experiences.  Rene and Denni are intrepid, self-proclaimed Crones/Elders, and longtime presenters at Full Circle EcoHouse of Prayer.

Please register by Nov. 20


Companions in Reparation

Since 2003 a group of people of diverse religious traditions gather monthly to discuss how they might best:

  • Manifest God’s tender, compassionate love for the world
  • Help repair the damage humans have done to themselves, to other humans, to the Earth, and to relationship with God
  • Work for reconciliation among humans
    Live compassionately within an interdependent universe

Interested? Contact Full Circle.

Close up Bare Hand of a Man Covering Small Flowers at the Garden with Sunlight Between Fingers.