Spiritual Accompaniment

Conversation with a companion-in-spirit provides time to consider one’s place in the world in the light of relationship with God.
Suggested donation barter to $35

Ignatian Retreat
in Everyday Life

Retreat in the midst of life. The period between Autumn and Easter provides coherence between natural and liturgical seasons. Retreatants meet one-on-one with a spiritual companion approximately every two to three weeks.
Suggested donation $20 for each session



See current Seasonal Celebrations and Program offerings below.

Free Will Offerings are appreciated for every program in which you participate. We give stipends to presenters other than the Full Circle Staff, Srs. Concepcion Gonzalez and Veronica Blake.


Without a doubt the seasons are changing. We gather to celebrate what we love and value in each of them. We leave with an increased desire help restore them in whatever way we can.

SUMMER - Thursday, June 19,  6-8 p.m.

Please register at least two weeks in advance of each.



To register, please email or call: At least two weeks in advance of each gathering

Conversation Gatherings

Tuesdays 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
April 22, June 3

These Gatherings at Full Circle offer those who come a safe place to express what is deepest in their hearts, minds and souls so that their burdens might lighten, and their joys be shared. Listening to oneself and others respectfully and with compassion is essential. May all leave in the radiance of increased light and greater peace.

Please read and reflect on the Conversation Starters below before coming. The gatherings will begin with a period of silence and then be opened to anyone who wishes to speak. At closing we will stand and hold hands in silence for a brief period of interior reflection and thanks. Facilitator, Veronica Blake

Conversation Starters:

When you listen…you allow that person to find something in your presence that frees expression.

Mohammed Hamid Mohammed, Senior Program Officer, Fetzer Institute
“Interview”, LCWR Occasional Papers, Summer 2024

When life is difficult, there is something about locating yourself where you are even if you don’t want to be there.

Pádraig Ó Tuama, Poet, Author, Unbound: 50 Poems to Open Your World
“Interview”, LCWR Occasional Papers 20204, Summer 2024

I go among the trees and sit still,
All my stirring becomes quiet…
Then what I am afraid of comes.
I live for a while in its sight.
What I fear in it leaves it,
And the fear of it leaves me.
It sings, and I hear its song…

Wendell Berry, This Day: Collected & New Sabbath Poems

The dark around us, come,
Let us meet here together,
Members of one another,
Here in our holy room.



Earth and Ourselves: Contemplation through Art

Tuesday, May 6, 1-3 p.m.

During these 2 hours, participants will be invited to explore the unmistakable connection between Earth and ourselves through poetry & art. Susie Babcock, gardener, nature freak and an enthusiast of art in many forms, will facilitate.

Register by April 22


Companions in Reparation

Since 2003 a group of people of diverse religious traditions gather monthly to discuss how they might best:

  • Manifest God’s tender, compassionate love for the world
  • Help repair the damage humans have done to themselves, to other humans, to the Earth, and to relationship with God
  • Work for reconciliation among humans
    Live compassionately within an interdependent universe

Interested? Contact Full Circle.

Close up Bare Hand of a Man Covering Small Flowers at the Garden with Sunlight Between Fingers.