An interesting article
on the history of Full Circle
is featured on the
May 2022 Blog
of the Friends of the
St. Clair River.
Today, the human community, indeed the Earth community, is everywhere impacted by the challenges of migration. Our international congregation, Sisters of Mary Reparatrix, feels urged more than ever to respond to issues of justice, peace, and integrity of creation as a top priority.
For thirty years, Sisters Concepción González and Veronica Blake, in collaboration with all who offer and participate in workshops at Full Circle, have sought to raise consciousness about Earth, its incredible and precious beauty, and the extreme crises it faces.
Poetry, storytelling, reflection and contemplation, as well as information and discussion shape the journey.
Learning how to walk hand in hand, relishing the blessings, and celebrating the rich gifts of the diversity of this nation and area, we together help repair, enhance, and sustain a world vibrant with promise. We hope you might consider joining us along the way.
Sisters of Mary Reparatrix is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
and all donations are tax deductible.